At Reus, Tarragona and the surrounding area

Training of schools and high schools

Make the most of the new educational opportunities we offer for schools and high schools! We present our latest training offer, designed for both students and teachers to enrich the learning process.

We support training with educational advice and practical workshops, designed to complement the school curriculum. We address essential issues such as sustainability and entrepreneurship while promoting key values for our students, and offering them tools that could help them in their future work. We also cover topics for teachers such as inclusion in the classroom, sustainability, and ethical use of artificial intelligence.

If you are interested in having our workshops and training sessions at your center, do not hesitate to contact us and we will adapt to your needs!

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Dades d'examen 2024

Dades d'examen 2024

Dades del centre educatiu
Dades de la persona de contacte