The ESPAI BOULE is located in a historic building in the city of Reus. The former dates back to the late XIXth century and is part of the city’s heritage. This unique space was part of the old garages of the Boule family Palace, who were pioneers in the export of wines, and preserves a set of unique magnificent metal structures that are an artistic hallmark of the period and our region.
We are an open learning and training center that brings together various entities dedicated to improving training in our community. We offer opportunities for international mobility and labor insertion for young people and adults, and we also promote the territory through the management of international projects.
Visit the ESPAI BOULE to discover a place where history and education meet to promote the future of Reus and its community.
Review classes and languages at all levels: English, German, French, Italian, Russian, Spanish for foreigners and Catalan for foreigners.
Through languages we open new doors for growth, empathy and connection.
Psychoeducational programs with the aim of keeping an active body and mind.
With individual care, school reinforcement and a conducive environment we maximize the student's potential
Business solutions: customized online and face-to-face language courses.
L’ESPAI BOULE es troba en un edifici històric de Reus, patrimoni de la ciutat, que data de finals del segle XIX. Aquest espai singular, ubicat en les antigues cotxeres del Palau de la família Boule, reusencs pioners en l’exportació de vins, conserva magnífiques estructures metàl·liques representatives de l’època i la nostra regió.
Som un centre obert d’aprenentatge i formació que reuneix diverses entitats dedicades a millorar la formació a la nostra comunitat.
Oferim oportunitats de mobilitat internacional i inserció laboral per a joves i adults, i fomentem el territori mitjançant la gestió de projectes internacionals.
Visita l’ESPAI BOULE per descobrir un lloc on història i educació es troben per impulsar el futur de Reus i la seva comunitat.
Carrer de Boule, nº3
43201 Reus, Tarragona
Designed and created by EspaiBoule