
Els nostres valors

KidsArt!” is an innovative program that combines learning English with artistic expression; therefore offering children between 3 and 9 years old a unique opportunity to discover, create and express themselves in a fun and stimulating bilingual environment. Through various creative activities, children will be able to develop their communicative skills while enjoying art and movement.

We have a team of teachers trained in the latest educational methodologies and strategies that guarantee that our students make the most of each session. Their experience in comprehensive and holistic language learning allows them to carry out dynamic and fun classes where children and young people learn English naturally and fun.

Our aims

Improve your english level

We will enhance the development of your children’s English-language communication skills.

Create art

We will promote artistic expression and creativity through various activities.

Make new friends

We will promote social interaction and communication between your children and other children through group artistic work.

Create your own story

We will improve your listening comprehension and enrich your child’s vocabulary through stories in English.

Practice acting

We will stimulate motor coordination and psychomotor skills through role-playing games and dramatizations.

Express yourself freely

We will create a positive environment that helps your children manage their emotions and develop their well-being.

Contact us

Contact us and we will answer any questions you may have.

Nom i Cognoms *
Email *
Telèfon *
Idioma en què volem que se'ns adrecin *

Dades d'examen 2024

Dades d'examen 2024

T'escoltem, tens algun dubte?

Nom *
Cognom *
Email *
Telèfon *
Idioma en què volem que se'ns adrecin *
Sobre quin servei tens el dubte? *
Dades del centre educatiu
Dades de la persona de contacte